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Stay Up-To-Date On What's Happening In Your Club

Hixson's Receipts

Did you know, Hixson's gives us back a percentage of your purchases? For example, in 2022, the Club received a check from them for just under $400. So please continue to save your receipts, and drop them off at the courts in the red coffee can. It's usually out on the table, or can be found in the shed. Thank you for your continued support of this program. Every little bit helps.

Winter Play - New Hope Church

The CLPBC entered into an agreement with NHUMC, for indoor play. 

NHUMC will provide the CLPBC following:

  • Exclusive use of the gym

  • from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday

  • from 10/15/2023 through 4/15/2024


Please refer to the Schedule tab for more information.

TeamReach Groups

Unfortunately, the summer has flown by, which means some of our TeamReach Groups are ending for the season. The DUPR RR group ended on 8/28. The Tuesday CL Ladies group concluded its season, on 8/29. The Mentoring & Education, and Advanced Play groups are likely to conclude very soon. There's no word yet on how much longer the Couples League and the Saturday AM drop-in ladder league Event Coordinators will continue their programs. 

Friday Night Fun Nite

Anyone interested in coordinating a weekly Friday Night Fun Nite? Or, do you simply have a good idea on what you think it should entail? We're open to any and all suggestions, and welcome volunteers.

Club-Sponsored Charity Event

Would you be interested in managing, coordinating, or assisting with a fun event to raise funds for a local non-profit organization? If so, please reach out to any Board member, as we have some ideas, but need your help.

Court Resurfacing

The courts were resealed in July, and look beautiful. Unfortunately, right after they were finished, the CLPOC found it necessary to send out the following communication:

"As you may have heard, we just had our Pickleball Courts resurfaced & they look amazing and we want to keep them in that condition for as long as we can! Please note that the pickleball courts are for playing pickleball only. It is not for baseball, football, gymnastics, or anything other than pickleball. Also note, it is not allowed to bring chairs, baby strollers, or wagons onto the courts. Please respect the courts and use them appropriately.

- Bill Hull, Maintenance Superintendent"

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